Eladetta Walauwa Kandy can be easily located and reached.
Colombo-Fort Railway Station
Pilimathalawa, Gadaladeniya, Daulagala, Eladetta (113 kms)
Katunayake Airport
Pilimathalawa, Gadaladeniya, Daulagala, Eladetta (98 kms)
Kandy-City Centre
Peradeniya, Penideniya, Daulagala, Eladetta (14 kms)
Peradeniya, Gelioya, Eladetta (15.5 kms)
Nuwara Eliya
Gelioya, Eladetta (68.5 kms)
Currently, a trip from Eladetta to Kandy is approximately 30-40 minutes depending on traffic in Kandy, and to Colombo is approximately 3 – 3.5 hours depending on the time of travel.
With Kandy located in the centre of the island and in a high elevation, the climate in Eladetta is salubrious. On average, it remains at a comfortable level of 25-30 degrees Celsius during the day and 20-25 degrees Celsius during the night.
The weather in the area is extremely comfortable.
25-30 oC | 25-30 oC